It’s Under Control
CHaPteR 4 | OPeRatIOn
GettInG staRted
The RK-V is turned-on by simply applying power to it.
There are two power supply options which are sold separately:
Single Unit Power Supply (PS-6)
6VDC, .6Amp
Provides power for up to four RK-V’s
Part Number: 40-2025-22
CB- Connecting Block
Includes 2VDC, 4.0Amp power supply
Provides power for up to twelve RK-V’s
Provides a convenient connection hub
Part Number: 0-20205-
After power is applied, the RK-V will take approximately ten seconds to
load the operating system, the application software, and the user program.
This long delay only occurs from a power down state. During normal use
the RK-V turns-on instantly from its sleep mode.
After powering down, the RK-V is activated by touching any area of the
touchpanel display, or any hard button.