Firmware Update option of the WWW interface
Update by VirtualCOM connection and external maintenance application (method reserved for manufacturer’s
service staff only)
Back to factory default firmware & settings
It’s a rare case but no matter what went wrong with firmware update or settings (or the password was forgotten) it’s
always possible to return to original factory firmware and settings. There is a small black push-button located on the
RSLogger panel. Press it down (with pencil or match) and turn on the device’s power with button pressed. Hold the
button for 5 seconds and release when LED2 (green) stops to blink (see OLED screen if available).
The back to factory default firmware procedure would be initiated (both LEDs will blink for a while) and device restored
to default, factory state.
Notice that for security reasons all internal buffer memory will be erased with back to default function. Access
password would be disabled (no password protection).
For RSLogger Module devices there is no push-button installed but the “back to default firmware” feature is still
available with GPIO1 and GPIO2 ports located on the device’s main terminal. Pelase short the GPIO1 to GPIO2 when
the device is powered off. Turn on the RSLogger Module power and then after 5 seconds remove the GPIO1/GPIO2
jumper. The back to factory default firmware procedure would be initiated (both LEDs will blink for a while) and device
restored to default, factory state.
Internal memory erase
If the total erase of internal memory is required it’s possible with MEMCLEAR = TRUE parameter of the CONFIG.INI
file, [SYSINFO] section. Edit the CONFIG.OLD file as shown on example below, rename itto CONFIG.INI and restart
your device (or re-connect the USB Mass Storage containing CONFIG.INI file).
FW_VER 1.0.31
Before memory clear operation, to avoid confusion, it’s recommended to manually delete all data TXT files and
MEMORY.MAP file that already exists in RSLogger working folder.
Notice that all data from internal memory would be permanently lost!
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