Virtual COM modes & COM operations
This chapter is explaining the available modes of the USB Virtual COM interface like Text Menu mode or AT
commands mode. Some sample RS232 COM operations like port’s splitting, forwarding or repeating options (to Virtual
Com or TCP/IP) are described as well.
Virtual COM Text Menu mode.
If Virtual COM interface is enabled and set for text menu mode in config.ini file there would be possible to
configure the device with intuitive and self-explanatory text menu displayed in real time in any RS232 text terminal.
Standard terminal settings for menu are (115200,8,N1) means 115200 baud rate, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit - but
any other settings should also be accepted as the COM port is virtual. Please send any data to Virtual COM port via
terminal to open the menu mode. It will prompt you with “
Enter password:
“ message. Type the password and it confirm
with [Enter] key. Main Menu should be displayed as follows:
[ MENU ]
1. SysInfo
2. File
3. DateTime
6. VirtualCOM
e. Exit
[ MENU / File ]
<- Back
1. Password
2. Timestamp
3. Channel Mode
[ MENU / File / Channel Mode ]
<- Back
1. One Common file for Both A and B channels
2. Two separated files for A and B channels
ChannelMode = 1
Navigate the menu options as you like using your 0-9 keys, Enter, Backspace and “e” key for exit.
The current value of specific parameter would be displayed under the menu options. The [Backspace] key “←” would
take you back to upper level menu. If any data needs to be entered manually, please type it in with your terminal
keyboard, keeping same data format (date change in the following example). Confirm new value with [Enter] key.
[ MENU / DateTime / Date ]
<- Back
Actual Date = 2017-07-07
New Date = 2017-08-01
Pease notice that disabling the Virtual COM interface or it’s text menu mode by changing settings during text menu
operations will effect in disabling the menu functionality and end your current terminal menu session!
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