2011/11/10 Ed 1.5
Setup and Programming manual for XT series GPRS
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P a g e
4455 White Bear Parkway, Suite 700
White Bear Lake, MN 55110
How to test RF for deployment of devices
Running the RF test during the mounting of devices is key to a successful Videofied installation. This test
will ensure that all devices have adequate communication with the control panel. All Videofied devices are
bi-directional which allows the system to ping the device and expect a response. The number of successful
responses out of 9 will be displayed on the keypad for the device you are running the test for. This is also a
relative range that will change in real time as you walk further away from the control panel and back closer.
10/12/27 10:53
Press the
arrow to move to MAINTENANCE
Press the
arrow to move to DEVICE LOCATING
Press and hold ESC/NO for 5 seconds to return to the main
This test will run as long as you need it to. Pressing the
YES, ESC/NO, or CLR buttons will end the test. This test
will show the results on the display of the keypad relative to
the number of successful pings to the panel. It is required to
run the test for at least 30 seconds at the mounting location
for accurate results and to have a 9/9 for reliable
transmission of alarms and video. Press YES when you are
finished with the test.
Press YES on DEVICE LOCATING to get to the list of
devices. Use the arrow keys to find the device you would like
to run the test for.
Once all devices are checking in at 9/9, you are ready to test
the full system to your central station. After arming and
tripping each device call the central station and verify alarm
and video of each device with dispatch.
Now you are ready to show the customer how to use the
NOTE: To insure proper operation of the system you must get 9/9 with each device
before mounting.