Balancing Throttle Bodies on a 4 cylinder
Life Racing ECU
Connect a laptop to the car and load PTMon. (This displays the engine
sensor readings
o achieve a base setting the throttle needs to be fully closed. To ensure it
is, wind the idle adjuster screw out whilst watching the TPS reading
displayed in PTMon. The value should reduce as you wind the screw out.
Once the value stops reducing, the throttle is fully closed.
Set the TPS value to 2.0. To do this, loosen the TPS using a 3mm allen key, as
shown in the picture. Once loose, turn the TPS until its value shown on
PTMon is 2.0, and re-tighten the securing screws.
Using a 3mm allen key turn the idle adjuster screw, until the TPS
value is 4.0.
Now you are ready to start the engine. Check the engine oil, water and
electrical connections. (Especially if it is a new engine installation). Once you
have confirmed these are OK, start the engine and let it idle. Make sure the
engine temperature is maintained within its operating parameters. Do not
allow the water temperature to rise above 90°C.
Place the syncrometer in throttle body number 3. This body is not
adjustable it is your base which the rest of the bodies need to match. The
syncrometer will normally read between 5 and 7.
Place the syncrometer in the other bodies, using a 7mm spanner and 2mm
allen key (as shown in the picture below) adjust the other bodies to match
the reading from body number 3. Please note that turning the adjuster
clockwise opens the body. To adjust, loosen the 7mm nut and turn the
adjuster in the centre. Once the reading is correct, lock off the adjuster by
tightening the 7mm nut and holding onto the 2mm allen key to stop it from
moving. When balancing match the reading on cylinder 3 and 4 with the
adjuster, then match 1 and 2 finally use the centre adjuster to match both
Once all four bodies give the same reading on the syncrometer, the bodies
are balanced. Give the engine a couple of small blips and
check the TPS
value returns to 4 and all the throttle bodies read the same on the
Idle adjuster
TPS Adjuster Screws