Pakscan IIS Technical Manual Issue 1.0
Publication S130E 55
If you are unable to secure the connected equipment into a safe state then disconnecting the loop cable from
both ports of the master station will prevent plant operation.
When setting the parameters for a particular master station or downloading a sequence configuration it is
essential to protect any connected plant from inadvertent operation. Make sure that the connected actuators are
in Local control (as this will prevent them from moving under Pakscan control EXCEPT for ESD - remember
that ESD is latched in a field unit), or Local Stop is selected, or locked in 'Hand', and any other plant
equipment connected to field units is either able to be operated safely, or is prevented from operating.
On the master station ensure that the ESD option is either disabled or that the input is a closed circuit (by
either a link or the actual input contact).
These simple precautions will make sure that if you make a mistake in the setting of the master station
parameters no plant action will result.
The plant should only be returned to an operational state once you are satisfied that the parameters are
correctly set or the programme operates correctly.
Make sure that all the hardware selections match those required for the final equipment. Set all the jumper
links and switches as required.
Make sure the master station is powered up and the screen is illuminated.
You can only make changes to the setting of the internal parameters if the PIN is known or disabled or the
Access level is high enough. Make sure you can gain access by knowing the PIN or knowing what PIN is to be
9.1 Initial Decisions
The setting up of the user variable parameters in a master station requires detailed knowledge of what you
want the system to do.
You must have available answers to the following questions:
a) Where applicable, for communication to the host system what Protocol will you be using, what Baud rate is
needed, what parity is needed. If you have two hosts you need this data for both.
b) For the 2 wire loop, how many field units are connected, or to be connected, and what is the highest address
used for a field unit. What is the loop baud rate. Do you want to run the loop at its maximum performance.