Roth DWT Installation Manual
Lubricating & Hydraulic Oil Storage and Dispensing
5. Be sure tank remains level during and after tightening the tie down kits.
Tie down kits may not be effective if the tank is less than half full and a flooding event
occurs. In areas with a risk of flooding, please contact Roth Industries Technical Department
to determine best method for securing tank.
7. Use one kit for 400L, 620L, &1000L tanks Use two kits for 1000LH & 1500L tanks.
8. Additional kits maybe used to increase stability or where conditions or code require it.
Piping Connections
All connections to the Roth EcoDWT plus 3 use a flat rubber #3 gasket to seal against the
tank opening and to ensure the connection is odor free. The various fittings are secured
to the tank with a large black plastic cap nut. Once installed, 18 ft-lb of torque applied to
the cap nut seals the connection; hand tightening is the acceptable equivalent of this. The
connections to the tank are designed to seal against atmospheric pressure only and not the
higher fluid or pumping pressures. It can not be considered an oil tight connection. In the
event the tank is overfilled, the connection may allow oil to seep onto the top of the tank.
2. Do not use pipe sealants or PTFE tape on any threaded plastic connections, as these
products can cause the plastic to degrade. These sealants can be used on metal to metal
Tie Down Kit
Tie Down Kit
Tank restraints must not affect the containment properties of the tank. Penetrating fasteners are only
allowed on the tank flange above the tank top.