1–4 • Introduction
DAC-8418-A User Manual (Iss. 01)
User Interfaces
The DAC-8418-A includes the following interfaces for control and monitoring for your card.
DashBoard Control System™
The DashBoard Control System™ enables you to monitor and control openGear frames and cards
from a computer. DashBoard communicates with other cards in the DFR-8300 series frame
through the Network Controller Card. The DashBoard Control System software and manual are
available for download from our website.
For More Information...
on the DAC-8418-A menus in DashBoard, refer to the chapter “
DashBoard Menus
” on
page 4-1.
on using DashBoard, refer to the
DashBoard User Manual
Card-edge Controls
The front-edge of the DAC-8418-A features LED indicators for the power, video input status and
communication activity.
For More Information...
on the card-edge controls and LEDs, refer to the chapter “
User Controls
” on page 3-1.