T600N - Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
IP address:
Configure the router’s LAN IP address
IP Subnet Mask:
Configure the router’s LAN Subnet Mask
802.11d Spanning Tree:
The 802.1d Spanning Tree settings is disabled by
default. When enabled, the spanning tree protocol is applied to prevent
network loops (transmissions won’t pass the same node twice to reach the
System – LAN – 2
DHCP Server:
The DHCP server assigns IP addresses to the devices on the LAN.
DHCP Server:
Enable or disable the DHCP server (Default: Enabled).
Lease Time:
Configure the amount of time each allocated IP address can by
used by a client.
Start IP:
The first IP address in the range of addresses assigned by the router.
End IP:
The last IP address in the range of addresses assigned by the router.
Domain Name:
The domain name of the router.