Startup and operation
UPT-640 (as of SW 100)
Controller configuration
The possible controller configurations are explained in
the following sections. Proceed as described in
Kap. 8.5.1 „Initial startup“ auf Seite 21 to start up the
controller for the first time.
Automatic configuration
(AUTORANGE) for secondary
voltage and current
The secondary voltage and current ranges are auto-
matically configured by the automatic calibration func-
tion (AUTOCAL). The voltage is configured in the range
from 0.4VAC to 120VAC and the current in the range
from 30A to 500A. If the voltage and/or the current is
outside the permissible range, a detailed error mes-
sage appears on the controller (
s. section 9.27 "Fault
areas and causes" on page 50).
If the secondary current I
is less than 30A, the sec-
ondary high-current wire must be laid twice (or several
times) through the PEX-W2 or PEX-W3 current trans-
former (
ROPEX Application Report).
Setting the language
The menu language can be changed on the controller
without interrupting operation. It is set with step 201 in
the Configuration menu:
The following settings are possible:
English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Dutch,
Danish, Finnish, Swedish, Greek, Turkish, Portuguese.
The language which is selected in this menu
remains set even if the factory settings are
restored (step 202 in the Configuration menu).
Restoring the factory settings
The internal controller settings can be reset to the fac-
tory settings with step 202 in the Configuration menu.
Only the language setting (step 201 in the Configura-
tion menu) remains unchanged.
Please refer to section 10 "Factory settings" on
page 51 for more information about the factory settings.
If the controller settings are unknown when it
is started up for the first time, the factory set-
tings must be restored in order to prevent malfunc-
Configuration of the alloy
(Temperature coefficient)
The heatsealing band alloy (and the temperature coef-
ficient respectively) can be set with steps 203 and 204
in the Configuration menu.
In step 203 predefined values for the alloy (and the
temperature coefficient repsecitvely) are available:
Temperature coefficient 1700ppm
(e.g. ROPEX CIRUS system)
Temperature coefficient „variable“
Further settings in step 204.
In step 204 the temperature coefficent can be set in
a range of 400…4000 ppm individually for the used
heatsealing band then.
Step 204 in the Configuration menu is avai-
lable when step 203 is set to "variable" only.
Configuration of the temperature
The temperature range can be set with steps 205 in the
Configuration menu.
The setting can be 200°C, 300°C (Factory setting),
400°C or 500°C.
The temperature ranges with 400°C and
500°C shall be used after confirmation of
ROPEX only. The lifetime of the UPT heating ele-
ments is significantly reduced when using higher
sealing temperatures.
Configuration of the timer function
The necessary controller settings are
explained in the detailed functional descrip-
tions in section 9.4 "Menu structure" on page 27
and section 9.23 "Time control (timer function)" on
page 38. They are only allowed to be entered by
technically trained persons.
The timer function is activated with step 209 in the Con-
figuration menu.