Operating the appliance
Preparing the milk
For a complete filling 1 litre of milk is required.
• Fresh milk:
If fresh milk is used for the starter mixture, it must be heated up to about 85 °C first in order to kill all
germs and bacteria. After that, the milk must be cooled to below 40 °C.
• Homogenized milk (UHT milk):
When using UHT milk, no further preparation is required, as this type of milk already had been heated
before. However, it can be handled the same way as fresh milk.
Starting the yogurt
Different starter cultures can be used:
• Natural yogurt:
When using commercially obtainable fresh, natural yogurt (
150 ml
), mind to take a type without any
preserving or flavouring additives, which was not ultra heat treated. This yogurt should have the same
fat content like the used milk.
IMPORTANT: Observe that the appliance will not be moved during the maturing of the yogurt,
so as not to interrupt or disturb the fermentation.
Prior to initial use
For a start, please clean the appliance as well as all accessories. For more detailed information please refer
to “Cleaning and maintenance”.
Interesting facts
• Yogurt mostly is made of pasteurized and homogenized milk with a fat content of 1.5 % or 3.5
%. Lactobacilli transform the milk to yogurt by processing the milk sugar into lactic acid. And the
generated energy is used for multiplying the lactobacilli.
• The optimum temperature for the ripening process is about 42 – 44 °C. The maturing time can vary,
depending on the ingredients and the desired consistency of the yogurt.
• The density of the yogurt is also depending on the fat content of the used milk. Thus, milk with 3.5 %
fat content makes a rather firm yogurt whereby milk of 1.5 % fat content forms weaker yogurt.
• There is dextrorotatory and laevorotatory yogurt. The difference is only the enclosed lactobacillus.
Depending on the type, lactic acid owns a mirror-inverted composition of the molecular groups. Adults
can well digest both, dextrorotatory and laevorotatory yogurt, whereby infants should be fed with
dextrorotatory yogurt only.
• For a starter culture it is possible to use fresh natural yogurt (without additives), available in the trade,
or yogurt ferment from the health food shop.
Take our suggestions as a basis and experiment on your own until you have found the optimum
timing and best ingredients for your favorite yogurt.