troublE SHooting
i can’t make an espresso.
The indicator lamp [7] is not on:
1. Check the mains cable.
2. Check whether the machine is switched on.
3. Check whether the cover [10] is closed.
The indicator lamp [7] is on:
Check whether the indicator lamp [7] is still flashing. While the Oh Espresso
is warming up it is normal you
can’t make an espresso.
the espresso pod is not ejected in the receptacle [1]
Make sure the receptacle [1] isn’t full.
Check whether the pod is stuck in the machine. You can do so by opening the cover [10], pushing down the
safety lid of the brew group [15] and removing the brew group [15] by turning to the left.
the espresso only drips from the spout.
Check the water level of the water tank [3].
the indicator light is not on.
Make sure the mains cable is connected.
Also make sure the cover is properly closed.
PoSt-SalES contact DEtailS:
Tel.: +32 (0) 3 870 45 45
Antwerpsesteenweg, 136
Fax: +32 (0) 3 870 45 67
B-2630 Aartselaar
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