Switch off all electrical appliances and lamps in the bedroom and
in the adjacent rooms one after another and pull out the plugs
from plug sockets in addition, where possible. Observe the chan-
ges of the electro-stress measured value on the measuring device
following every step and note down this value.
In this way you can find out the lines and devices which are main-
ly responsible for the high values. Pay attention as well to exten-
sion cables under or on the bed, and lay these out so that a ma-
ximum decrease of the measured value of the body voltage is
achieved. Whenever possible, dispense completely with electrical
devices and cables near your bed.
If you reach values through this procedure under 100 mV, corre-
sponding to 0.10 V, you can be already quite satisfied.
Frequently this value cannot be obtained through the switching off
devices and lamps and relaying extension cables. There is a high
probability that the cause of the increased body voltage is then
the power cables under voltage in the walls.
This can also be easily checked if you switch off one fuse after
another in the fuse box and note down the resulting values of the
body voltage in turn following every switch-off.
In the electric circuit, which on disconnection allowed the measu-
red values to drop below 100 mV, you can now have installed by
an electrician a so-called mains network or field-free switch which,
after the shutdown of the last consumer, e.g. the lighting, switches
this circuit automatically free of voltage.
You can still find further references in the enclosed "10 tips for
protection against electronic smog".
In addition, it is recommended to read the two books by Wulf-Diet-
rich Rose
"Electrical smog - electro-stress"
"I am under current"
Both have appeared as paperbacks from the publisher Kiepen-
heuer & Witsch, as well as
"Stress through current and radiation" from Wolfgang Maes.
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