In a box with a lid:
- 8 large plastic theme boards 40 x 30 cm
- 8 small plastic control cards 16 x 12,5 cm
- 1 plastic holder for the pawns
- 16 plastic insertion pawns
- 1 manual
Aim of the game
Learning to communicate through playing,
thereby stimulating and exercising active
language use. Developing listening skills and
expressing what you see.
Target group
For 2 to 4 children from the age of 4.
Development objectives
Mathematics and
reasoning skills
Development the perception
of colours and shapes
Language development
- social skills
- language development
- understanding and using language
- developing listening skills
The topics covered in the pictures are:
- at the playground
- in the supermarket
- on holidays
- little ducks
- the birds outside
- the cat
- playing at home
- our dog
Go through the themes that are shown on the
large boards with the children. In the group
discussion the themes in which children have
particular interest can be given extra attention.
The children must describe the situations in
the pictures verbally so that their fellow player
understands exactly which picture is intended.
Not only do children learn how to be creative
with language this way, but at the same time
they master a number of concepts while playing
Choose a theme and place the big board in the
holder and insert the pawns. Each time two
children play together, sitting on opposite sides
of the big board. One child takes the small card
and describes a situation in the picture (there are
7 situations per theme) and the other child works
out which situation is being described.
The child who is going to describe the situation
begins by naming the colour of the pawns that
goes with that situation. For example: ‘Take the
red pawn and put it with the bird washing itself.’
The other child places the red pawn in the hole
that matches that situation. The child who gives
the assignment now sees a red pawn appear in
a red circle on the backside of the board. In that
case the answer is correct. If this is not the case,
then the player has to describe the situation
better so that his or her fellow player can indeed
identify the right situation.
Place all the pawns in the assignment picture
in advance and remove the pawn from the
assignment picture once you have identified the
correct situation.
Enjoy ‘Dialogue’