Input Settings
Eighteen presets that can be used in a variety of situations are provided (P00–P17).
You can save your favorite settings as a user preset, and load a previously-saved user preset. Sixteen user
presets (U00–U15) can be saved as a file, and a set of 16 user presets can be loaded from a file.
Saving one user preset
Click [Store...], then the save-destination preset number (U00–U15), and enter a preset name of up to 16
Loading one user preset
Click [User Preset], then the preset number that you want to load (U00–U15).
Saving user presets as a file
Click [User Preset], then [Save User Presets...], and specify a name for the file to be saved.
Loading user presets that you saved as a file
Click [User Preset], then [Load User Presets...], and select the file that you want to load.
* When you load user presets from a file, all 16 of the currently stored user presets will be overwritten.