= ER
Reply to the AR-3000R When an Error Has Occurred
Function: Reply to the AR-3000R when an error has occurred
a: Error number
0 Send this command to the AR-3000R when the output of the AR-3000R could not
be read (In the case of a request command, the AR-3000R will re-transmit the
Setting output command.)
1 Send this command when the output of the AR-3000R for confirmation is
incorrect in Delete mode. Then the command you transmitted will be canceled,
and the AR-3000R will automatically exit Delete mode.
= Xon (11H)/Xoff (13H) Allow or Disable Transmission. Used for Handshaking
Function: Allow or disable transmission. Used for handshaking.
only (transmission permitted)
only (transmission disabled)
4.3 Commands Sent from the AR-3000R to the External Device (Computer)
The following three types of commands are sent from the AR-3000R to an external device. In this
explanation, “external device” refers to the computer. “AR” refers to the AR-3000R.
1) Setting Output Commands
These commands output the current setting status of the AR-3000R. They are output in response to
a request command from the external device.
2) Automatic Transmission Commands
3) Reply Commands
Reply commands are necessary for communication control, such as acknowledgment that a command
was correctly received, etc.
R Ver.2.01 R
S-232C Reference - 39