ROHO AGILITY Back System Fixed Hardware Operation Manual
AGILITY Installation, Continued
Place the AGILITY On the Wheelchair - Option A or Option B
Installation Option A
Installation Option B
Push against the bolt with your thumb and pry the pivoting
band away from the adjustment cylinder. Rotate the pivoting
band. Repeat for the other side.
The pivoting bands should remain
attached to the adjustment cylinders.
Place the pivoting bands
around the wheelchair
With your thumb against
the bolt, attach the pivoting
band so the narrow part of
the opening is on the groove
in the adjustment cylinder.
Slide the pivoting bands onto the
wheelchair canes.
Tighten the Bolts - Option A and Option B
IMPORTANT! Make sure the mounting hardware is flush against the
wheelchair canes.
For both sides: Finger-tighten the bolt.
Note: As you tighten each bolt, pinch or squeeze the pivoting band
to help the narrow part of the opening engage with the groove in the
adjustment cylinder.
If you are not able to attach the hardware or tighten the bolts,
you may need to adjust the width:
Loosen, but do not remove, the width/height adjustment nuts.
Slide the triangle
brackets forward
for a wider width.
Slide the
triangle brackets
backward for a
narrower width.
IMPORTANT! Use the reference grooves to make sure the left
and right triangle brackets are in the same position on both sides.
Reference Grooves