Remote Control
User Manual 1317.4726.02 ─ 01
Therefore, control programs should always define an initial instrument status (e.g. using
the *RST command) and then implement the required settings.
Command sequence
As a general rule, send commands and queries in different program messages. Other-
wise, the result of the query may vary depending on which operation is performed first
(see also Preventing Overlapping Execution).
Reacting to malfunctions
The service request is the only possibility for the instrument to become active on its own.
Each controller program should instruct the instrument to initiate a service request in case
of malfunction. The program should react appropriately to the service request.
Error queues
The error queue should be queried after every service request in the controller program
as the entries describe the cause of an error more precisely than the status registers.
Especially in the test phase of a controller program the error queue should be queried
regularly since faulty commands from the controller to the instrument are recorded there
as well.
15.2 Command Reference
This chapter provides the description of all remote commands available for R&S
The commands are sorted according to the menu structure of the instrument. A list of
commands in alphabetical order ist given in the "List of Commands" at the end of this
15.2.1 Conventions used in Remote Command Description
Note the following conventions used in the remote command descriptions:
Command usage
If not specified otherwise, commands can be used both for setting and for querying
If a command can be used for setting or querying only, or if it initiates an event, the
usage is stated explicitely.
Parameter usage
If not specified otherwise, a parameter can be used to set a value and it is the result
of a query.
Parameters required only for setting are indicated as
Setting parameters
Parameters required only to refine a query are indicated as
Query parameters
Parameters that are only returned as the result of a query are indicated as
Command Reference