Receiver Mode
User Manual 1175.7445.02 ─ 08
The delta limit is the distance of a peak to a limit line, if one has been assigned.
Remote command:
not supported
Symbols (On Off)
Turns the labels on the peak position in the diagram on and off.
The peak labels have a different color and shape depending on the trace they are on.
Trace 1, for example, has red crosses as the peak label. By default they are on.
Remote command:
Peak List Export
Opens a dialog box to export and save the contents of the peak list in ASCII format to
a *.dat file.
The file consists of a header and the results of the scan or the final measurement.
The header is a list of general instrument settings and characteristics. It consists of
three columns, each column separated by a semicolon: <parame-
The results are split into several data sections, one for each active trace. The data
section begins with the entry
Trace <x> [Final]:
, followed by the trace char-
actersistics and the peak list data itself.
For a description of the data see
Chapter, "ASCII File Export Format"
By default, decimal places are separated by a point in the exported list. If required, you
can use a comma instead of a point as the decimal separator.
Remote command:
Export the peak list of the scan results:
Export the peak list of the final measurement:
Select the decimal separator:
Trace / Final Meas
The Trace / Final Meas tab in the Test Automation dialog box contains functionality to
configure the traces for the scan and the final measurement.
Final Measurement Time
Defines the measurement time for the final measurement.
Common Measurement Settings