Manual Operation
Quick Start Guide 1411.4077.62 ─ 07
2. Select a "Unit" in the selection field next to the parameter value.
Press the ENTER key.
The unit displayed in the entry field next to the value is assigned.
Changing a unit
To subsequently change a unit, i.e. after the entry has been terminated and when the
editing mode is not active, use one of the following alternatives:
1. Press a UNIT key on the front panel.
2. Select"Unit" in the selection field next to the parameter value.
The value remains unchanged but the display is automatically adapted to the new
unit, i.e. the value is recalculated to suit the new unit.
The new unit is indicated in the value field of the menu.
4.4.6 Selecting a Value from a List
Selection lists provide a list of predefined values for the selected parameter.
To select a item from a list, proceed as follow:
1. Press ENTER key to open the list.
2. Use one of the following alternatives to navigate through the list:
a) Turn the rotary knob or use the UP/DOWN arrow keys.
The selected item is highlighted.
b) Press TOGGLE ON/OFF key several times until the preferred entry is dis-
played in the selection field.
3. To confirm the selection, press the ENTER key.
4.4.7 Terminating Entries with Confirmation
The instrument behaves different by the termination of entries deppending on the
parameter type and the way this parameter is set.
Setting Parameters