530800 - Fuse and Line Filter sizing for the Kinetix 5500 drive
characteristics such as inrush in order to have a symmetrical AC power up.
AC/DC sharing will support the use of the capacitor module WHEN three phase power is utilized. In this
frame 2 drive, 2198-H015-ERS, even though single phase configuration is available, the 2198-CAPMOD-
1300 cannot be used.
For a line filter use, the total AC amps is approximately 20.8 Amps RMS for this configuration. A 2198-
DB20-F is 20 Amps continuous and cannot be used. Therefore, use 2198-DB42-F as that can handle the
current requirements of the AC/D Sharing configuration shown above.
AC Sharing MUST be used with both AC sharing bus bar and DC control power bus bars.
The 2198-H015-ERS is a frame 2 Kinetix 5500, as referenced in the
Kinetix 5500 User Manual
(http://literature.rckwellautomation.com/idc/groups/literature/documents/um/2198-um001_-en-p.pdf) &
Servo Drive Technical Documentation
Use Qty 1, 2198-H040-ADP-IN for the first 2198-H015-ERS which will allow you to bring in both AC L1-
L3(and ground) DC control power and have a connection for the first DC bus bar to drive 2.
Use Qty 3, 2198-H040-ADP-T for each of the next 4, 2198-H015-ERS to allow AC sharing.,DC control power
sharing and DC bus power sharing
In this configuration, qty 4, 2198-H015-ERS are used. Each converter section can put 1.6 kW (230 Vac) or
3.2 kW(460 Vac) when in a Shared DC bus or standalone inverter use. When used in Shared AC/DC
configuration, the SUM of the converter output must be derated or limited to 70% of continuous power
available. In this instance, 4 x 1.6 kW x .7 = 4.48 kW (230 Vac) or 4 x 3.2 kW x .7 = 8.96 kW (460 Vac). The
2198-HR015-ERS inverter power continuous out in this configuration cannot exceed either of these values.
Three phase power MUST be used for AC/DC Sharing. Single Phase operation is not supported in AC/DC
Shared DC Bus is comparable operation to the Kinetix 6000 series where the DC bus is supplied by the leader
drive to the followers that are on the DC bus.