530800 - Fuse and Line Filter sizing for the Kinetix 5500 drive
AC line is fed to the first 2198 drive. In this example chose 2198-H040-ERS for the example leader drive. It will
supply DC bus not only to it's inverter but 4 other 2198 inverters. For configuration, use Qty 2, 2198-H015-ERS,
Qty 1, 2198-H008-ERS and Qty 1, 2198-H003-ERS. A 2198-CAPMOD-1300 is also specified for adding DC bus
capacitance and ability to assist in DC bus capacitance absorption for regenerative energy applications. The
2198-H040-ERS is 4 kW (230 Vac) and 8.4 kW (460 Vac) power to the DC bus. The 2198-H040-ERS is also 13.4
Amps RMS input.
Recommended Components for the shared DC BUS system are:
For the above example using 1 2198-H040-ERS, use KTK-R-25 fuses. Other recommended fusing can be
found in the
Kinetix Servo Drive Technical Documentation
With DC shared, the leader converter power MUST be able to supply all follower drive inverter power
requirements. Here, at full rating, the 2198-H040-ERS is 4 kW (230 Vac) or 8.4 kW(460 Vac), the 2198-
H015-ERS is 1.5. kW(230 Vac) or 3. 2 kW(460 Vac) inverter output, the 2198-H008-ERS is .8 kW (230 Vac)
or 1.6 kW (460 Vac) and the 2198-H003-ERS is .3 kW (230 Vac) or .6 kW (460 Vac) output.
4+ 2 x 1.5 + .8 + .3 kW = 8.1 kW > 2198-H040-ERS (4 kW DC power out to bus) at 230 Vac so you would
need a bigger size converter module. However, frame 3, 2198-H075-ERS is the largest frame power
structure and can deliver 7.2 kW to the bus and would fall short here. The options are changing the follower
drives to lower the possible output, using Motion Analyzer to size based on ACTUAL load and transmission
plus cycle profile use OR use a Shared AC/DC Hybrid System which is discussed last.