Rockwell Automation Publication CC-QS027D-EN-P - August 2015
900-TC Temperature Controller Setup
This chapter guides you through configuring your 900-TC temperature controller to properly communicate by using
Modbus RTU protocol and to function with a Micro800 controller programmed to use the sample building-block code
supplied in this Connected Components Accelerator Toolkit (CCAT). Micro850 controllers are referenced throughout
this Quick Start. Wherever a Micro850 controller is referenced, a Micro820 or Micro830 controller can be used. The
procedure is very similar for the 900-TC8 controller.
In addition, this chapter specifies the minimum number of parameters that need to be changed from the factory default
settings to establish communication with Micro800 controllers. For your machine application, there can be additional
temperature controller parameters that need to be adjusted. Consult the temperature controller documentation listed in
Additional Resources on page 9
for information on all of the other temperature parameters. This building block helps
you develop an application to control a light, heater, relay, contactor (single or three-phase output), or fan by using an
analog output from the 900-TC temperature controller.
Before You Begin
• Review the Getting Started CCAT with System Design Assistant Quick Start, publication
• Apply power to your 900-TC temperature controller.
What You Need
• Personal computer with 900Builder™ Lite software, version 3.0, loaded (optional)
• 900-CPOEM1 USB-serial conversion cable (optional)
• Allen-Bradley 900-TC16 temperature controller or equivalent
You can program the 900-TC temperature controller by using the controller front display or the 900Builder Lite
software. If you choose the latter, then you need a USB-serial conversion cable.