Rocktrail Z29748 Assembly And Safety Advice Download Page 3


Hiking tent


Proper use

This product is suitable for use as accommodation 
when travelling and camping. The product is not in-
tended for commercial use. 


Description of parts




  pole (4-part) with attachment


 pole (4-part)


 pole (10-part)


 guy rope


 tent peg


  tensioner for guy rope


 pole guide


 ground sleeve


 carrying bag

Safety advice








that all parts are undamaged and have been 
assembled appropriately. Risk of injury exists  
if assembled incorrectly. Damaged parts can  
affect safety and function.




 Do not leave children unattended. 

The product is not a climbing frame or toy. Make 
sure that nobody climbs or leans on the product, 
particularly children. The product could become 
imbalanced and tip up. This may result in injury 
and / or  damage. 




 Never under 

any circumstances assemble the product in a 
strong wind. 


Select a piece of land that is as flat and firm as 
possible to erect your tent.


Sandy surfaces reduce the stability of the tent. 
Please ensure that the surface provides a firm 
hold for the tent pegs.


Never knock the tent pegs into the ground with 
force! If necessary, the guy lines should only  
be extended with the help of a loop and the 
tent peg positioned in a different location.


The intactness of all connection points and the 
guy lines should be checked regularly, as should 
the firmness of the tent pegs in the ground.


If the tent is erected in the wrong order, this 
may cause damage to the tent. All liability is 
excluded in such cases. 




 Do not 

light any fires within the product and keep it 
away from sources of heat. 


Precautionary measures with respect to fires are 
stated on a label sewn into the inside of the 
tent. You are advised not to remove this label. 


You should also familiarise yourself with the  
local fire protection regulations (e.g. camping 
site, tent pitch).


Keep the exit free! Do not block the exit with 

Take note of the effects of the weather 
and climate


When selecting the location to put up your tent, 
you should always consider the local situation 
and how this might change. Will the terrain turn 
into a lake if it rains? Please take into account 
any rising rivers and incoming tides.


Protect the product against strong wind and 
storms. Place the product in a location that is 
protected from the wind if possible.


If a strong wind is forecast, replace the normal 
tent pegs with special storm pegs. You can find 
information about meaningful supplementary 
products at specialist shops. 


The tent should be taken down before heavy 
snowfall or stormy weather.


Remove any snow directly from the product. 
Otherwise the product may collapse under the 

Summary of Contents for Z29748

Page 1: ...Montage und Sicherheitshinweise ŠATOR ZA TREKKING Napomene za montažu i sigurnosne napomene ΣΚΗΝΗ TREKKING Οδηγίες συναρμολόγησης και ασφάλειας CORT UŞOR TREKKING Instrucţiuni de montare şi de siguranţă ПАЛАТКА Инструкции за монтаж и безопасност 7 Z29748 ...

Page 2: za montažu i sigurnosne napomene Stranica 5 RO Instrucţiuni de montare şi de siguranţă Pagina 7 BG Инструкции за монтаж и безопасност Страница 9 GR CY Οδηγίες συναρμολόγησης και ασφάλειας Σελίδα 11 DE AT CH Montage und Sicherheitshinweise Seite 13 ...

Page 3: ...h the help of a loop and the tent peg positioned in a different location The intactness of all connection points and the guy lines should be checked regularly as should the firmness of the tent pegs in the ground If the tent is erected in the wrong order this may cause damage to the tent All liability is excluded in such cases CAUTION DANGER OF POISONING AND DAMAGE TO PROPERTY Do not light any fires ...

Page 4: ...ay that its entrance is protected against the wind When selecting a pitch for your tent 1 remember that you need not only an area for the floor of the tent but also room for the guy lines You should also ensure that there is enough space to walk around the tent 1 and that there are no tripping hazards Erecting the tent Erect the product in accordance with illustrations A to C Packing the tent toget...

Page 5: ...tik na drugome mjestu Redovito provjeravajte besprijekorno stanje svih spojnih mjesta te provjerite zatege i čvrstu postavu sidrenih zatika Pogrešan redoslijed sastava može prouzročiti štetu na šatoru Isključeno je bilo kakvo jamstvo OPREZ OPASNOST OD OTROVANJA ILI OPASNOST ZA OŠTEĆENJE MATERIJALA Ne palite vatru ispod proizvoda i držite ga daleko od izvora topline Protupožarne mjere navedene su n...

Page 6: ...lje osigurajte da oko šatora 1 ostaje dostatno prohodnog mjesta te da ne nastanu nikakve prepreke preko kojih bi se moglo spotaknuti Sastavljanje šatora Montirajte proizvod kako je prikazano na slikama A do C Slaganje šatora Prije slaganja osigurajte da je šator 1 potpuno suh Inače bi se mogle stvoriti mrlje na tkanini i ista bi se mogla oštetiti Složite šator 1 uvijek tako da tlo šatora pokazuje ...

Page 7: ...duceţi niciodată cuiele cu forţa în pământ La nevoie prelungiţi frânghia de sprijin cu o buclă şi amplasaţi cuiul în alt loc Controlaţi regulat starea ireproşabilă a tuturor punctelor de îmbinare şi verificaţi frânghiile de sprijin şi fixarea sigură a cuielor O ordine greşită a montării poate cauza deteriorarea cortului O răspundere de orice tip este exclusă ATENŢIE PERICOL DE INTOXICARE ŞI DE DAUNE...

Page 8: derare că pe lângă locul de cort 1 mai aveţi nevoie de loc pentru frânghiile de sprijin Mai departe asiguraţi ca în jurul cortului 1 să fie suficient loc şi să nu există pericole de împiedi care Montare cort Montaţi produsul conform figurilor de la A până la C Împachetare cort Înainte de a împacheta cortul 1 asiguraţi ca acesta să fie complet uscat În caz contrar urmarea pot fi apariţia petelor şi d...

Page 9: ...а бъде здрава опора за колчетата Никога не удряйте колчетата със сила в земята Ако е необходимо удължете обтяжките с клуп и сложете колчето на друго място Проверявайте редовно изправността на всички връзки както и обтяжките и стабилната позиция на колчетата Грешната последователност при монтажа може да повреди палатката Изключва се поемането на всякаква отговорност ВНИМАНИЕ ОПАСНОСТ ОТ ОТРАВЯНЕ И ...

Page 10: ...че входът й да е защитен от вятър При избора на място имайте предвид че освен площта за палатката 1 ще Вие нужно и пространство за обтяжките Освен това се уверете че около палатката 1 има достатъчно място за минаване и няма предмети в които може да се препънете Монтиране на палатката Извършете монтажа според Фигурите А C Опаковане на палатката Уверете се че палатката 1 е напълно суха преди да я оп...

Page 11: ...γκράτηση στους πασσάλους Μην χτυπάτε βίαια τους πασσάλους στο έδαφος Εν ανάγκη επιμηκύνετε τις διατάξεις τάνυσης με τη βοήθεια ενός βρόχου και τοποθετήστε τον πάσσαλο σε άλλο σημείο Ελέγχετε τακτικά για την ακεραιότητα όλων των θέσεων σύνδεσης και ελέγξτε τις διατάξεις τάνυσης για σταθερή έδραση των πασσάλων Η εσφαλμένη αλληλουχία συναρμολόγησης ίσως προκαλέσει βλάβες στη σκηνή Αποκλείεται η ανάλη...

Page 12: ...βαιωθείτε ότι η σκηνή 1 τοποθετείται με τέτοιο τρόπο ώστε η είσοδος σκηνής να βρίσκεται αντίθετα από τη φορά του αέρα Λάβετε υπόψη σας κατά την επιλογή του χώρου ότι υπάρχει αρκετός χώρος για τις διατάξεις τά νυσης δίπλα από την επιφάνεια της σκηνής 1 Επίσης βεβαιωθείτε ότι υπάρχει αρκετός ελεύθερος χώρος γύρω από τη σκηνή 1 και δεν δημιουργείται κίνδυνος παραπατήματος Αποσυναρμολόγηση σκηνής Συνα...

Page 13: ...rund der festen Halt für die Heringe bietet Schlagen Sie die Heringe nie mit Gewalt in den Boden Ggf Abspannungen mit Hilfe einer Schlaufe verlängern und den Hering an einem anderen Ort platzieren Kontrollieren Sie regelmäßig die Unversehrtheit aller Verbindungsstellen und überprüfen Sie Abspannungen und den festen Sitz der Heringe Eine falsche Reihenfolge des Aufbaus könnte einen Schaden am Zelt ...

Page 14: ...antige Gegenstände z B Steine Äste etc Stellen Sie sicher dass das Zelt 1 so platziert wird dass sich der Zelteingang im Windschatten befindet Berücksichtigen Sie bei der Wahl des Stand platzes dass Sie neben der Grundfläche des Zeltes 1 noch Platz für die Abspannungen benötigen Stellen Sie ferner sicher dass um das Zelt 1 herum ausreichend Lauffläche vorhanden ist und keine Stolperfallen entstehen Ze...

Page 15: ...15 You need Potrebno Vam je Aveţi nevoie de următoarele Необходими са Ви Χρειάζεστε Sie benötigen 2 2 1x 3 1x 4 1x 5 4x 6 11x 10 1x 7 4x 1 1x ...

Page 16: ...16 A 2 3 4 C 5 7 6 9 B 8 ...

Page 17: ...Road Pulloxhill Bedfordshire MK45 5HP UK Model No Z29748 Version 11 2011 by ORFGEN Marketing Last Information Update Stanje informacija Versiunea informaţiilor Актуалност на информацията Έκδοση των πληροφοριών Stand der Informationen 10 2011 Ident No Z29748102011 7 7 ...
