Turning the Blanks
1. Assemble the blanks on the mandrel with the Cigar Humidor
Bushings (57951, sold separately).
Fig. 3. Make sure that
the blanks are oriented correctly and that grain continuity is
preserved. Each bushing has a step that is designed to be
inserted into the tubes for stability while turning.
2. Tighten the tailstock and then the mandrel nut that holds
the blanks, but don’t over-tighten. Overtightening could
cause the mandrel to flex, leading to out-of-round
turning results.
3. Turn the blanks to the desired shape, reducing the diameter
to just a bit more than that of the bushings.
Fig. 4.
4. Sand the blanks through progressively finer grits of
sandpaper -- 180, 240, 320, 400 and 600 – to bring the blanks
flush with the bushings and smooth them for finishing.
5. Apply the desired finish and polish.
6. Remove the blanks from the mandrel.
7. To make it easier to maintain grain orientation during
assembly, place a piece of painter’s tape on each blank
near the end with the grain-alignment dot and mark the
dots’ locations. The dots won’t be visible once you begin
assembling the components.
Fig. 5.
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Cigar Humidor Bushings
Lower Tube
Upper Tube
> When working with epoxy, make sure the area is
well-ventilated, wear nitrile gloves and use an applicator.
Avoid contact with skin or clothing.
> Do NOT use cyanoacrylate (CA) glue. As it cures, it
will leave an unsightly residue on the inside of the
Tubes and the dial of the Hygrometer.
Threaded End of
Lower Tube