H Series
Adjustments and Maintenance
Cleaning Your Shredder
To preserve life of paint and decals, wash the shredder after each use. The preser-
vation of your shredder
s decals is essential to safety, so make sure they are kept in
good condition. It is also recommended that some sort of degreasing solution be
used on all bearings.
Check for excessive grease in bearing areas
on the pulley side of the shredder. Make
sure that grease is not allowed to get into
the belt areas.
Clean clippings from hydraulic hose areas,
mounting areas or any other areas that may
be susceptible to excessive heat.
Clean the inside of the shredder with a pressure washer. Make sure the inside is kept
free from mud and compact grass. Keep in mind that mud built up on the cutter drum
can cause imbalance.
Preserve damaged decals or replace them if they are unreadable. Decal kits can be
obtained from your local RockHound dealer.
Check bearing areas
underneath pulleys
and remove and
caught debris.
Check hose areas and
mounting areas for
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