Robustel
GoRugged
R3000
‐
3P
‐
User
Guide
RT_UG_R3000_v.2.0.3
10.12.2014
/
5.2
How
to
configure
the
Following
is
a
list
about
the
description
of
help
and
the
error
should
be
encountered
in
the
configuring
program.
Commands
/tips
Description
?
Typing
a
question
mark
“?”
will
show
you
the
help
information.
Ctrl+c
Press
these
two
keys
at
the
same
time,
except
its
“copy”
function
but
also
can
be
used
for
“break”
out
of
the
setting
program.
Invalid
command
“xxx”
Parameters
“xxx”
are
not
supported
by
the
system,
in
this
case,
enter
a
mark
“?”
instead
of
“xxx”
will
help
to
find
out
the
correct
parameters
about
this
issue.
Incomplete
command
Command
is
not
incomplete.
%
Invalid
input
detected
at
'^'
marker
'^'
marker
indicates
the
location
where
the
error
is.
Note
:
Most
of
the
parameters
setting
are
in
the
Global
configuration
mode
.
Commands
set
,
add
are
very
important
for
this
mode.
If
some
parameters
can’t
be
found
in
the
Global
configuration
mode,
please
move
back
to
Privileged
exec
mode
or
move
up
to
Interface
mode
.
Note:
Knowing
the
hierarchy
level
modes
is
necessary
before
configuring
the
If
not,
please
go
back
and
read
it
quickly
in
chapter
5.
5.2.1
QuickStart
with
configuration
examples
The
best
and
quickest
way
to
master
is
firstly
to
view
all
features
from
the
webpage
and
then
reading
all
commands
at
a
time
,
finally
learn
to
configure
it
with
some
reference
examples
.
Example
1:
Show
current
version
R3000>
show
version
software
version
:
1.01.00
kernel
version
:
v2.6.39
hardware
version
:
1.01.00
Example
2:
Update
firmware
via
tftp
R3000>
enable
Password:
*****
R3000#
R3000#
tftp
get
rootfs
R3k.
Tftp
transfering
tftp
succeeded!downloaded
R3000#
write
//save
current
configuration