Spindle Removal and/or Belt Replacement
Your lathe is equipped with a high quality ten groove Poly‐V belt that is designed to provide years of service. If
you should ever find a need to replace it, follow these instructions.
Stop the lathe,
disconnect from power
and open
top and front headstock covers.
2. Loosen the Motor Clamp and raise the motor to loosen
the belt. Tighten the clamp once the belt is loose.
3. Lock the spindle using the spindle lock and remove the
nut securing the handwheel to the spindle using a
1‐7/16” socket wrench. Then remove the handwheel.
4. Remove the spindle index screw.
5. Using a 3/16 inch Allen wrench, remove the cap screws
on the front spindle bearing boss.
6. Screw two of the cap screws into the threaded jack
screw holes in the boss to push the spindle assembly
out as a unit. You may need to clean debris from the
holes first.
7. Remove the old belt and replace with new belt.
8. Remove the jack screws from the bearing boss.
9. Clean all mating parts before reassembly and clean the
grooves in the pulleys.
10. Insert the spindle assembly back into the headstock
and replace and tighten the cap screws.
11. Reinstall the spindle lock mechanism if you removed it
12. Reinstall the index screw and bracket
13. Reinstall the spindle handwheel and nut. The nut
should be tightened until it just seats, and no more.
14. Move the belt to the desired step on the pulleys and
tighten the belt.
15. Close the top and front headstock covers.
Belt replacement
Lifting out the spindle
Handwheel and nut
Motor Clamp
Cap Screws