Optional American Beauty Tilt‐Away™
1. Slide tailstock onto
Tilt Away. Lock the
tailstock in place.
2. Loosen the Tilt Away lock‐down and
carefully tilt the tailstock out of your
way. Do not let it slam.
3. When tailstock is tilted, re‐tighten the
lock‐down. Reverse the procedure to
put the tailstock back.
Do not let the tailstock drop or fall uncontrolled; damage or misalignment may occur.
o not position the headstock all the way onto the Tilt Away. At the most extreme position, the headstock
should be half on the lathe bed and half on the Tilt Away.
Optional Gas Shock Assist
You will need to give your tailstock a nudge to get it to tip over.
Be careful when putting the tailstock back into position so that the gas
shock does not slam the tailstock upright. If you let the tailstock slam
in either direction, you may need to realign the Tilt‐Away. See below.
Minor Misalignment of Tilt‐Away
The main reason the Tilt‐Away gets out
alignment is that the tailstock was allowed to
slam in one direction or the other.
Final position of the Tilt‐Away is determined
by the stop screws found just behind and
underneath the rotating component. Often
times a simple adjustment of one of these set
screws will get your Tilt‐Away working as good
as new.
A stop block with set screws
and lock nuts determines the
position of the Tilt‐Away.
Use a 3/16” Allen wrench
and 9/16” combination
wrench to adjust stops.
Field Re‐alignment of the American Beauty Tilt Away
Do this only if the procedure above has
failed, or if you have removed your Tilt‐Away for any reason.
Remove the tailstock and banjo. If you have the optional gas shock, remove that too.
Pivot the Tilt‐Away so that the set of ways the tailstock normally slides on to is facing up as far as it can
go (hard against the stop) and tighten the clamp.
Loosen the three nuts holding the Tilt Away and slide the headstock half way on. “Wiggle” the Tilt‐
Away into position. Put your knee under it for support. Tighten the headstock to the ways.
Gently snug down the three nuts. Slide the headstock on and off to check alignment. Repeats as
needed. In extreme cases, adjust the two set screws in the plate above the top two nuts.
When operation is satisfactory, firmly tighten the three nuts.