By the nature of its operating characteristics, the appliance does not strictly require
the installation of an inertial tank on the hydraulic plant. The use of an inertial tank is,
however, recommended in order to compensate for sudden variations in load, in parti-
cular when the plant has a water content of less than 70 litres per appliance.
ACCCUMULATOR BOILER (OPTIONAL) for hot sanitary water (ACS):
The appliance does not itself produce hot water for sanitary (domestic) applications).
If it is to be used for this purpose, a remote accumulator tank must be provided. In this
case, any use of glycol in the heating circuit must be FOODSAFE.
Systems for BLEEDING AIR from the pipes.
DRAIN COCK (usually dia. ½”) for system water.
filling systems are used, it is advisable to carry out a seasonal check of the
percentage of monoethylene glycol contained in the plant (if present).
Antifreeze device
To prevent the water freezing in the internal and system circuits, the appliance is equip-
ped with an electronic antifreeze device.
There are two antifreeze functions, both of which operate only on active modules.
One function protects the system circuit against freezing; it does this by running the
system water circulator (if controlled by the appliance) and the burners as well if ne-
cessary. This function, which is active as a default, can only be deactivated when a
suitable glycol concentration is present in the circuit or the circuit is emptied at the
start of the winter.
The second antifreeze function protects the internal circuit against freezing; it runs the
internal circuit water circulator. This function may not be deactivated inasmuch it is
also used to protect the machine’s electronics during normal operation.
The machine is factory charged to 2 bar with a water/glycol mix which enables the
machine to be safely stored down to -30°C.
The antifreeze function, in order to protect the internal circuit, actuates the dedicated
water circulator so as to keep the water in the circuit at a temperature of more than
-10°C and hence the electrical components at more than -20°C. Make sure that the
machine's internal circuit is always charged with an adequate glycol solution.
It is therefore necessary to ensure a continuous supply of electricity and gas to the
appliance throughout the whole of the winter period. If it is not possible to ensure a
continuous supply of electricity and gas to the appliance, use glycol antifreeze of the
inhibited monoethylene type.
Active and passive modules
If the Robur appliances are not controlled by a DDC. In appliances with only hot and
only cold modules (e.g.: AY series) or appliances of the 4 pipe type with two distinct
cold and hot modules, the module is ALWAYS "active". in 2 pipe type (hot and cold)
appliances, the “cctive” module is the one that operated the last shutdown; the other
module will be the “passive” module.