Press the knob to access menu 2: the display shows the first of its actions "2.0"
or "2.20" (= menu 2, action "0" or "20"). Turn the knob to scroll through the other
The user must now only run the action relating to the command indicated in the ope-
rating code description in TABLE 8.1 TABLE OF OPERATING CODES generated by the
controller (firmware version 3.100)
77. Two commands are available: “reset flame
controller" (action "20") or "reset other codes" (action "21").
Actions "23", "24" and "25" are used to regulate the combustion parameters or for gas
type changeovers, and are thus for use only by the installation technician or Robur
Reset flame controller (parameter "20"):
You will need: the display reads "2.20" (as per step "3").
Press the knob to display the flashing reset request: "reS1".
Press the knob again to reset the flame controller. The reset request stops flashing,
and the display shows “2.20” again. The reset operation has been performed.
To exit the menu, turn the knob clockwise until “2.E” displays, and press it to re-
turn to the menu selection: "2.".
To exit the menu selection, turn the knob clockwise until “E” displays, and press
it to exit.
At this point, if the display does not signal any other operating codes, put away the
special key, replace the electrical panel cover and refit the front panel.
Reset other operating codes (parameter "21"):
You will need: the display reads "2.20" (as per step "3").
Turn the knob clockwise until action "2.21" displays.
Press the knob to display the flashing reset request: "rEr1".
Press the knob again to reset the operating code. The reset request stops flashing,
and the display shows “2.21” again. The reset operation has been performed.
To exit the menu, turn the knob clockwise until “2.E” displays, and press it to re-
turn to the menu selection: "2.".
To exit the menu selection, turn the knob clockwise until “E” displays, and press
it to exit.
At this point, if the display does not signal any other operating codes, put away the
special key, replace the electrical panel cover and refit the front panel.
At the moment of installation, the appliance is set up by the installation technician
for best operation according to the type of plant installed. Subsequently it is possible
to modify the operating parameters, but this is not recommended if not in posses-
sion of the necessary knowledge and experience required to ensure the appliance’s