© 2016 by Erwin Hymer Group North America, Inc.
Just like your house, your Roadtrek has fresh water, electricity, waste water disposal, heating, and cooling systems. In the
Roadtrek, these systems are self contained and travel with you.
Fresh Water
Fresh water is contained in two tanks, called the exterior and interior tanks. The interior tank drains into the exterior tank.
The two tanks are interconnected and act as a single reservoir.
Fresh water fill on passenger
door post
The fresh water fill is in the door post of the front passenger door, near the door handle.
Look for the orange plug in the fill port.
Do not run the hose bib wide open. Fill the tank slowly.
Both tanks are filled from the interior tank port - water will flow from the interior tank
down into the exterior tank as you continue to run water into the interior tank fill port.
When both tanks are full, water will overflow out of the fill port.
To fill the tanks and use the water from the on-board tanks, make sure the city water
valve remains closed.
City Water
Your Roadtrek can operate in either fully self-contained mode, or can be connected to a
water supply such as a campsite's faucet.