Two people will be needed for completion of step 11.
1. Cut bands and remove long box containing mast from side of cardboard
2. Remove the cardboard enclosure by removing the screws at the bottom and
lifting off the enclosure.
3. Cut bands and remove chair assembly and housing.
4. Remove and unwrap the handle located under the frame.
Remove the main frame from the pallet. Position the main frame close to
the pallet and lock the wheels.
6. Carefully transfer the remaining plates (15) from the pallet into the plate
enclosure on the main frame. Each plate weighs approximately 40 pounds
so be careful not to pinch fingers or drop when placing into plate enclosure.
Be sure that the plates lie flat on top of each other. If any plate appears to
rock, remove that plate, flip it over, and replace it into the enclosure.
7. Open box containing mast, remove and unwrap mast assembly. Leave mast
assembly in fully contracted position, this will make handling easier.
8. On frame, cut tie wrap securing 24v motor cable, position cable on top of
9. Remove 2 bolts and lock washers from base assembly.
10. Place housing on frame.
11. Position mast assembly thru housing and attach to mast mounting plate on
base assembly with bolts and lock washers. Fully tighten with 3/4” socket
wrench. This step requires one person to hold the mast assembly while a
second person secures the bolts. Wiggle the mast to make sure the
connection is secure.
12. Cut the bands around mast (WARNING! arms will drop so be careful they
are adequately supported before cutting bands).
13. Extend arm assembly and rest chair support arm on ground; use cardboard
or similar material under chair support arm to prevent scratching.
14. Cut tie wrap and uncoil actuator cable at bottom of mast.
15. Lift and slide the housing part way up the mast to gain access to frame area
under housing.
16. Run actuator cable along with the 24v motor cable across the top of the
weights and insert through the hole in the rear of the housing near the
control box.