Tool Required: 4mm Hexagon Key.
The Sacral Support Panel is adjustable forwards of the Backrest Panel for up to
25mm. Access to the mounting screws is from each side of the Backrest
Support Brackets Fig.11, with the slotted Sacral Support Panel Mountings
located on the inner face of the Backrest Support Brackets at the rear of the
Backrest Panel Fig.12. To adjust the Sacral Support Panel,
slacken only
two screws on each side as indicated in Fig.12, re-position the Sacral Support
Panel as required, equally on each side and re-tighten all four screws sufficient
to prevent any movement.
Pelvic Supports
Tool Required: 4mm Hexagon Key.
The Pelvic Supports are attached to the
Sacral Support Panel by Mounting
Brackets and are both height and width
adjustable. Access to their mounting
screws is from the rear of the seat unit
To adjust the Pelvic Supports laterally,
both Support Mounting screws
and slide Support sideways to the
required position. Alternative mounting
holes are also available for each
Support, enabling the Support Mounting
to be re-positioned a further 25mm
laterally and vertically. Care should be
taken to retain the threaded Key
Washers located on the forward face of
the Mounting Brackets, Fig.15.
Sacral Support
Mounting Screws
Sacral Support
Panel Mounting
Fig. 12
Fig. 11
Fig. 13
Pelvic Support Mounting Screws
Thoracic Support Mounting Screws