Power Indicator
The PWR (green) LED will be ON when acceptable power is detected at the card. Span power or a local power
source can provide enough power for the system. When the power LED is off, the system is not detecting
enough power to operate.
T1 Activity
The ACTIVE (green) LED will be ON when a valid DS1 signal is detected at the RJ connector.
Alarm Indication Signal
The AIS alarm (red) LED will be ON whenever a series of unframed all-ones are received at the input of the T1
LIU. This alarm indicates that equipment down the line from the T1 receiver has detected a loss of signal and is
transmitting an unframed all-ones alarm signal.
Bipolar Violation
The BPV alarm (yellow) LED will be looking for any bipolar violations at the receive T1 LIU. The LED will remain
ON for a visible period per detected event. BPV detection can indicate loss of line integrity at the receiver.
: If the transmitting equipment is using encoded B8ZS, and the card is configured for AMI, the channel BPV
alarm LED will turn ON.
Single Channel T1 LED Indicators
Note Bi-color LEDs
RLH Industries, Inc. • Tel. 866-DO-FIBER • Fax 714 532-1885 • www.fiberopticlink.com