Beacon 110 Rig Monitor Operator’s Manual
1. While in normal operation, press and hold the UP/YES button for 5 seconds to enter
Calibration Mode. Release the button when the following screen appears.
2. If you want to exit Calibration Mode, press and release the DOWN/NO button. The Rig
Monitor will indicate
Leaving CAL Mode
and the Rig Monitor will return to normal
If you want to continue with calibration, press and release the UP/YES button. The display will
indicate the target gas and
CAL Mode
for a few seconds before showing
FreshAir Adjust?
Setting the Zero Reading
1. The display will indicate
FreshAir Adjust?
as described above in “Preparing for Calibration”.
2. If you want to skip adjusting the fresh air reading, press and release the DOWN/NO button.
The display will indicate
SPAN w/Cal Gas?
Skip to Step 11.
If you want to continue with adjusting the fresh air reading, press and release the UP/YES
will alternate with
on the top display line and the current gas
reading will be on the bottom display line.
3. If the detector is in a fresh air environment, press and release the ENTER button. The Rig
Monitor will perform a fresh air adjustment and the display will indicate
SPAN w/Cal Gas?
Continue to the next section, Setting the Response Reading.
If you suspect the detector area is not a fresh air environment, continue with Step 4.
4. Screw the regulator into the zero air calibration cylinder.
5. Use the calibration kit sample tubing to connect the fixed flow regulator to the calibration cup/
splash guard.
6. Turn the regulator’s on/off knob counterclockwise to open it. The Rig Monitor will freeze the
display reading at the lowest level reached while applying zero air.
7. Allow the gas to flow for two minutes.
8. Turn the regulator’s on/off knob clockwise to close it. The Rig Monitor will continue to
display the minimum gas response on the display and retain the response level in its memory.
9. Press and release the ENTER button on the Rig Monitor controller. The Rig Monitor will
perform a fresh air adjustment and the display will indicate
SPAN w/Cal Gas?
10. If you applied zero air to the detector, unscrew the regulator from the zero air calibration
11. If you applied zero air to the detector, leave the sample tubing connected to the regulator and
the calibration cup/splash guard.
If you did not apply zero air to the detector, use the calibration kit sample tubing to
connect the fixed flow regulator to the calibration cup/splash guard.
NOTE: Depending on the size of your zero air cylinder, it is possible that you will have a
different regulator for the zero air cylinder and the H
S gas cylinder. If necessary to fit
the H
S calibration gas cylinder, change the regulator.