Beacon 110 Rig Monitor Operator’s Manual
Responding to an Alarm 2 Condition
1. Follow your established procedure for a toxic gas condition.
2. The alarms are factory set as latching. After the gas reading falls below the alarm 2 setpoint,
press the reset switch to reset the alarm circuit. Resetting the alarm circuit silences the buzzer,
turns off the Alarm 2 LED, returns the LCD to the normal operation screen, and de-energizes
the alarm 2 relay.
If the reset switch is pressed while the Rig Monitor is in an alarm 2 condition, the
buzzer will be silenced and the alarm 2 LED will flash but all other indications will
remain unchanged.
You cannot de-energize the alarm 2 relay until the gas reading falls below the alarm 2
Fail Condition
Fail Condition Indications
The Rig Monitor indicates a fail condition for any of the following:
The detector head wiring is disconnected or incorrectly connected.
The display reading is -10% of full scale or lower.
When the Rig Monitor senses a fail condition, it alerts you as follows:
The fail LED turns on.
The gas reading is replaced by the
The buzzer sounds a steady tone.
The fail relay de-energizes.
The fail alarm has a 30 second delay.
Responding to a Fail Condition
A fail condition cannot be reset using the reset switch.
1. Verify that the detector head wiring is correctly and securely connected.
2. Verify that the replaceable plug-in sensor is properly installed.
3. If necessary set the zero reading for your detector head as described in “Calibration Mode” on
page 25.
Low Power Condition
The 12 VDC battery that is recommended for operation of the Rig Monitor is typically dead before
the power converter recognizes a low power condition. As a result, when the Rig Monitor is used
with a 12 VDC battery, there may be no low power alarm and the unit will instead shut off once the
battery is dead.