BC Whole Body software is included
Notice in the table above that the right side of the body is measured [1, 2]. This measurement is the
same as a whole body resistance and reactance taken with traditional RJL Systems body composition
products (Quantum IV, Quantum II and Quantum X). This right side measurement is also continuously
displayed on the LCD display when a segmental measurement is not being taken and can be entered
into BC Whole Body software. The entry into the whole body application is manual and cannot be
retrieved from the Quantum V USB port. Since there are only two values that must be entered, this is a
minor inconvenience. A license key to the BC Whole Body application is included with purchase of a
Quantum V Segmental BIA. The software and manual are also included on a thumb drive with the
Charts and graphs:
There are pie and bar charts in BC 4.x whole body software including historical graphing of most body
composition parameters (lean and fat mass, etc). There are no charts or graphs at this time in our
segmental BIA software. There is, however, an export function that will export an individual patient or
an entire database available in the segmental BIA software product. All regional body composition
values including regional resistance and reactance values can be exported as a CSV file. This file is
read by most spread sheet programs including Excel and Libre office. Graphs and charts can then be
made using spread sheet graphic tools. Also the segmental BIA instrument can be used with BC 4.x
whole body software (charts and graphs) or segmental Quantum V software. When using with BC 4.x
only the right body connector is used.
As mentioned, one feature of the segmental BIA product is that the sum of the points equals the whole
(whole body). Therefore, a right and left body pie chart could easily be made that contains the percent
of each arm and leg including the right or left torso. This is planned for the near future. There are also
other developments in progress to improve the usefulness of the segmental BIA product. Any
customer input is appreciated.
When the subject is in a supine position and measured with a calibrated and portable segmental BIA
instrument repeatable measurement can be made. Accurate electrode placement is important when
assessing changes of lean soft tissue (LST) in appendicular body segments. This is especially
important with the detecting electrodes that bisect the ulnar head (bone on the little finger side of the
wrist) and the medial malleolus (bone on the big toe side of ankle).
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