If problem cannot be resolved over the phone, a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number will be
If repair is needed:
RJL Systems requires that an RMA # be issued prior to shipping a unit to us for diagnostic evaluation. RJL
Systems cannot assume any responsibility for instruments sent without prior authorization.
Customer is responsible for all shipping costs – including insurance if desired - both to and from RJL Systems.
If the Analyzer is a discontinued model, RJL Systems will advise if repair parts for the unit can still be
obtained and at what cost
After RJL Systems receives and performs a diagnostic evaluation on the unit, we will contact the customer
with a repair estimate (labor and parts) before proceeding with service. The customer must agree to these costs
before any work begins
Cost of the repair service must be paid in full before the unit is shipped back to the customer
If repairing the Analyzer is not cost-effective, RJL Systems will provide assistance with selecting a new unit if
customer wishes to purchase a replacement
RJL Systems’ Service policy guarantees the repair for up to one year.
hipping instructions
Write the RMA number on the outside of the shipping box
ALWAYS include the subject cables with the shipment so entire system can be evaluated.
Place the Analyzer in its protective carrying case, and then pack it into a shipping container. Shipping labels
may not adhere well to the textured plastic surface of the carrying case
We suggest placing identifying papers (letterhead, business card etc) inside the case with the instrument. This
will ensure that the shipper can trace the origin of the package in the rare instance that damage to the container
or it’s shipping label occurs
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