Troubleshooting Guide
Possible causes of strange test results or erratic resistance/reactance display:
Malfunctioning analyzer or broken/damaged subject cables (see “Using the Test Resistor to Test
Expired electrodes. RJL electrodes have an average shelf life of approximately 15 months. Check
expiration date on the back of the packaging. If electrodes are gooey from heat exposure, dry, or smell
“funny” do not use them! They can cause unusual readings if not adhering to skin properly.
Cable clips placed on electrodes incorrectly or in reversed order see “Performing the BIA Test”.
Do not reuse electrodes. Discard the used electrodes after each test.
Equipment issues:
Analyzer keeps shutting itself off.
Most likely, the battery is weak and needs re-charging. The analyzer
will shut itself off after 10 seconds if battery is low. The analyzer will also turn itself off if the idle
timeout is exceeded.
Testing protocol:
Subject is laying on a conductive (metal) table while testing see “Pre-Testing Protocols”.
Subject has very dry/oily skin or has used lotion where electrodes are placed. Use an alcohol swab to
clean the area(s), let dry, and use fresh electrodes
Technician did not get accurate pre-test information from the subject or neglected to ask about issues
that may affect testing, like metal implants
Subject did not follow pre-testing protocol and/or subject did not provide accurate information to
technician see “Pre-Testing Protocols
Testing when the protocols have not been followed
can cause inaccuracies in the estimated body
composition results. However, if the deviations from the protocol are going to be consistent with every
test, the impact of those deviations will be consistent as well.
Data entry errors:
Gender entered incorrectly – male vs. female
Numbers transposed – 158 vs. 185
Height entered as feet and inches, instead of actual inches – 5’6”, listed as 56” instead of 66”
Height or weight entered as “English” units when the software is set is for “Metric” – or vice versa
Testing results for an individual entered in incorrect existing “similar name” patient record
Cannot find prior test record for subject – check if record is in a different database if multiple databases
are set up. Also check for misspellings of the subject's name.
Wrong equation set used
i.e. pediatric equations used on an adult.
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