This shed comes with a built in spouting and downpipe system so that you can
easily manage the water runoff .
• Preparation for fi tting the end caps, you will need to cut out the hole for the
downpipe dropper.
• Determine which end you want the downpipe and mark a line 200mm in from the
end of the spouting as per the diagram on the right. You will be cutting a 80mm
hole in the centre of the base of the spouting.
• Place a mark in the centre of your 200mm line, and using this as the centre, scribe
a mark with a diameter of 80mm.
• Cut out the hole by drilling a few small holes then using tin snips to enlarge to the
correct size.
• The end caps need to be inserted into the inside of each end of the spouting and
sealed up to stop the water from running out.
• Select the fi rst end cap and dry fi t it (no silicone) so that you are prepared and
know where it will be sitting in the spouting for when you have wet silicone. Pre-
drilling your fi rst rivet hole is helpful for positioning when the silicone is applied.
• Open the RTV silicone and spread a bead around the 3 sides of the end cap that
will be in contact with the inside of the spouting. Fit the fi rst end cap to the end of
the spouting and rivet in the predrilled hole. Insert all remaining 5 rivets as shown
in the diagram.
• Wipe excess silicone off the outside of the spouting immediately and spread any
extra around inside the spouting fi rmly into the join for a watertight seal. Repeat
with the other end cap.
• Once the end caps are fi tted, position the spouting centrally on the top plate at the
back of the shed (it will overhang each side by approx. 20mm) Nail to the top plate
using 4 x 30mm clouts, one at each end and two evenly spaced in the middle.
Rivet positions