Chapter 4 BIOS Setup
Fast (default) : Gate A20 signal supported by core logic.
Normal :Gate A20 signal supported by keyboard controller.
Typematic Rate Setting
This field determines if the typematic rate is to be used. When enabled, the BIOS will report (after a
moment) that the key has been depressed repeatedly. When disabled, the BIOS will report only once if a
key is held down continuously. This feature is used to accelerate cursor movements using the arrow keys.
Enabled, Disabled (default)
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
When Typematic Rate Setting enabled, this field specifies how many characters will be displayed in one
second when a key is held down continuously.
6 (default), 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30
Typematic Delay (Msec)
When enabled, Typematic delay allows you to select the time delay between when the key is first
pressed and when the acceleration begins.
250msec (default), 500msec, 750msec, 1000msec
Security Option
This field configures how the system security is handled. It works conjunction with SETTING
SUPERVISOR / USER PASSWORD page to control the security level of the system.
Setup (default) : System needs a password to enter BIOS setup program.
System : System needs a password to boot.
This field configures APIC Mode is Enabled or Disabled.
Enabled (default), Disabled.
MPS Version Control For OS
1.4 (default), 1.1
OS Select for DRAM > 64MB
When enabled, this field allows you to access the memory that is over 64MB under OS/2
OS2, Non-OS2 (default)
HDD S.M.A.R.T Capability
Disabled (default), Enabled.