Rise of Flight - Iron Cross Edition
4.2 Settings response curves axes
Rise of Flight uses a highly accurate flight model that takes into account the
thousands of flight parameters of your aircraft and its environment. Because of
this, you may need to create some personal settings for your aircraft controls to fit
your personal style of flying. Each control corresponds to a particular “Axis” .
The Main Control Axis for your aircraft is as follows.
Pitch Axis - This axis controls the aircraft’s Pitch (Nose Up / Nose Down) by moving
the Elevators. To move the Elevators push your joystick forward and backward.
Roll Axis - This axis controls the aircraft’s Roll (Wings Roll Left / Wings Roll Right )
by moving the Ailerons. To move the Ailerons push your joystick left and right.
Yaw Axis - This axis controls the aircraft’s Lateral Movement (Nose Point Left /
Nose Point Right) by moving the Rudder. To move the Rudder twist your joystick
handle (if it has a twist grip) or press on your rudder pedals (if you have them) to
point the nose of the aircraft left or right.