Installation & Servicing Instructions Rinnai Q Premier
13. If the installation is a zone system be sure to purge out each zone individually
14. Close the auto feed on the system (F1)
15. Close the return side purge station (BD2) and disconnect the hose (H3).
16. Open the main valve on the system return (V3)
17. Close the bypass valve (V4).
18. Open shutoff valves on both the supply and return connections (V1 and V2).
19. Clean out the dirt trap
20. Test the pH of the water that will be used for
lling the system
21. Test the water hardness of the water that will be used for
lling the system
22. Use the proper water treatment to ensure the pH and water hardness are within
the Rinnai boiler water quality guidelines
23. The boiler and system may now be
The following is a list of approved system cleaners, inhibitors, and antifreeze.
Approved antifreeze:
• Rhomar RhoGard Mutli-Metal (AL safe)
• Sentinel X500
• Noble Noburst AL
• Fernox Alphi 11
Approved system cleaner:
• Noble Noburst Hydronic System Cleaner
• Fernox F3 Cleaner
Rhomar Hydro-Solv 9100
• Sentinel X400
The system cleaners from NoBurst, Rhomar, and Fernox are NOT to be used in
the boiler. The boiler must be closed off (valved off) from the rest of the system
or not connected while the cleaners are in the system. The system should then
be drained and then thoroughly fl ushed with clean water to remove all the
system cleaner.
Approved inhibitors:
Rhomar Pro-tek 922
• Sentinel X100
- Noble Noburst AL inhibitor
- Connect the expansion tank to the system. See chapter 6.2.
- Connect the pipes so that they are free from strain.
The boiler has a self-adjusting and self-protecting control system for the load and the
pump capacity. By this means, the temperature difference between the supply and return
water is checked.