Rinnai New Zealand
Operation Manual
A wireless water controller installation utilises a 'transceiver' and up to 4 wireless controllers. Unlike
most remote control systems, there is 'two way' communication between the transceiver and
controllers. The 'transceiver' is connected by electrical cable to the water heater. The 'transceiver'
transmits control signals received from the wireless controllers operated by the user to the water
heater. The 'transceiver' transmits operational 'status' signals from the water heater which are
received by individual wireless controllers to ensure controller displays reflect the operational status
of the water heater.
Wireless controllers can be installed in conjunction with Universal and Deluxe wired water controllers
and will function as described in the Operation Section of this manual. Refer to page 2 to confirm the
maximum number and combination of water controllers that can be fitted.
Master and Sub controllers and temperatures
Only one wireless or wired controller can be designated the 'Master Controller' (MC). This controller
is normally used in the kitchen and usually has a maximum temperature of 55°C, sufficient for almost
all kitchen applications. Temperatures higher than 55°are possible but usually unnecessary and will
result in higher gas use and increase the risk of burns. Some conditions regarding Master Controller
maximum temperatures are as follows:
• Temperatures of 55°C or higher can only be selected on the controller designated as Master
Controller (MC) if the transceiver 'Max Temp' is also programmed to 55°C or higher.
• The temperature of hot water delivered is always limited to the maximum temperature programmed
into the water heater itself. For example, if the transceiver maximum temperature is programmed to
55°C and the water heater is limited to 50°C, the maximum temperature that the water heater will
deliver is 50°C. In this case 55°C will be displayed on the wireless Master Controller until a tap is
opened after which the display will revert to 50°C.
The remaining controllers are designated 'sub' controllers and are for use in bathrooms, toilets and
laundries. The temperature limit for all 'Sub' controllers is always 50°C to minimise the risk of burns in
these areas.
Adhesive labels are included for individual identification of wireless controllers as master or sub
controllers. These labels are usually placed on the back of the wireless water controller body.
Rinnai Wireless Transceivers can be connected to the water heater models listed on the cover page
by the end user in accordance with these Instructions. These water heaters contain the ’Ezi connect’
cable connector and a qualified tradesperson is not required.
Rinnai Wireless Transceivers are also compatible with some older water heater models not listed on
the cover page of these Instructions. Since older water heater models do not contain the 'Ezi connect'
cable connector, wireless controllers must be installed and commissioned by a suitably qualified and
licensed tradesperson. Contact Rinnai for information regarding compatibility with older water
The water heater maximum temperature cannot be adjusted by the user.
These adjustments can only be carried out by a qualified and licensed tradesperson.
Other manufacturers water controllers are NOT compatible with Rinnai water heaters.
Water controllers MUST NOT be used with any Solar Boost water heater. Rinnai water
controllers brought in from other countries are not compatible with Rinnai appliances
sold in New Zealand.
Regardless of water controller installation, all Rinnai water heaters must only be
installed by an Authorised person.
Water controllers, transceivers and water heaters do not contain user serviceable
parts and must only be serviced and repaired by an authorised person.