is the Navigate key. Press this key to access the Navigation menu where
you can navigate time, search events, or segments. For details, please refer to
are the navigation keys.
12. Probe Compensation Signal Output Terminal/Ground Terminal
This terminal outputs the probe compensation signal which helps you match a
probe's input capacitance to the oscilloscope channel to which it is connected. For
details, please refer to
13. Analog Channel Input Terminals
Attach probes to these connectors for analog signal inputs.
For two-channel models (HDO1072/HDO1102/HDO1202), only two input terminals
are available.
14. USB HOST Port
This series supports the flash memory USB storage device of FAT32 format and
USB-GPIB module.
- USB storage device: imports or exports data (software update, waveform,
setup, or captured image).
- USB-GPIB module: extends the GPIB interface for RIGOL instruments that
integrates the USB HOST interface but not the GPIB interface.
15. Power Switch
Press the switch to power on/off the oscilloscope.
Quick Start
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HDO1000 User Guide