Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
User’s Guide for DSA700 Series
Chan Pwr
Measurement Interface:
Figure 2-14 Channel Power Measurement Interface
Measurement Results: channel power and power spectral density.
Channel Power: power within the integration bandwidth.
Power Spectral Density: power (in dBm/Hz) normalized to 1 Hz within the
integration bandwidth.
Measurement Parameters: average number, average mode, integration
bandwidth and channel power span.
Avg Num
Specify the number of averages used when calculating the measurement
result and the default is "Off". You can use the numeric keys, knob or direction
keys to modify this parameter.
Avg Mode
Set the average operation mode to "Exp" or "Repeat" and the default is "Exp".
When "Exp" is selected, the result is the exponential average of the
current N (N is specified in "Avg Num") measurement results.
Integration Bandwidth Channel Power Span