© 2008
Technologies, Inc.
User’s Guide for DG1022
Only frequency or phase can be coupled each time, it depends on the current
selection is FreDev or PhaDev.
Channel Copy
Only when the coupling is closed, the Copy menu would appear.
Only parameters will be copied in the channel copy operation.
Channel copy is limited by parameters inspection.
Frequency limitation
Different waveforms have different upper/lower limits of the frequency.
When waveforms in the two channels are different, the highest frequency
can be copied depends on the waveform which has lower frequency. For
instance, a Sine waveform of 5MHz can not be copy to a Ramp (frequency
upper limit is 150 KHz).
limitation of the Amplitude and Output impedance setting
The upper/lower limits of Amplitude are different in different channels and
modes. Before copying, the Output impedance setting of the two channels
should be the same. Take CH1 for example, to set the Output impedance,
press Utility
Load/High Z, then set the value in need.
Channel inverting limitation
If a channel has been set to Invert, after the copying, the two channels will
still have 180° phase deviation though the “Phase” parameter has been