© 2008
Technologies, Inc.
User’s Guide for DG1022
the corresponding lower limit.
Amplitude(Vpp)upper limit=***VPP
Different modes have different amplitude upper limits; amplitude upper limit may
vary in the same mode if the load settings are different.
Amplitude(Vrms)upper limit=***VRMS
Different modes have different amplitude upper limits; amplitude upper limit may
vary in the same mode if the load settings are different.
Amplitude(Vpp)Lower limit=***VPP
Different modes have different amplitude lower limit; amplitude lower limit may
vary in the same mode if the load settings are different.
Amplitude(Vrms)Lower limit=***VRMS
Different modes have different amplitude lower limit; amplitude lower limit may
vary in the same mode if the load settings are different.
High Level upper limit***V
Different modes have different High Level upper limit; High Level upper limit may
vary in the same mode if the load settings are different.
Low Level lower negative limit=***V
Different modes have different Low Level lower limit; Low Level lower limit may
vary in the same mode if the load settings are different.
Offset upper limit=***V
Different modes have different Offset upper limit; Offset upper limit may vary in
the same mode if the load settings are different.
Offset lower negative limit=***V
Different modes have different Offset lower limit; Offset lower limit may vary in
the same mode if the load settings are different.
Duty Cycle upper limit=***%
In Square mode, different frequency range corresponds to different Duty Cycle
For a frequency lower than 3 MHz (include), the range is from 20% to 80%;
For a frequency between 3~4 MHz (include), the range is from 40% to 60%;
For a frequency between 4~5 MHz, the Duty Cycle is set to be 50%.
Duty Cycle lower limit=***%
In Square mode, different frequency range corresponds to different Duty Cycle