RigExpert IT-24
6.3. Transmitter power measurement
Two different Wi-Fi access points were connected to the IT-24 (by using an SMA to RP-
SMA converter cable) during this experiment. A “beacon” mode was activated, sending
data packets with 100-millisecond intervals.
The measured output power of the
first access point was 15 dBm. Then, a
possible measurement error (±2 dBm)
as well as a possible signal loss in
the converter cable (up to 1 dB) were
taken into the account. As a result, the
actual output power could range from
14 to 18 dBm. The power stated by the
manufacturer of the access point is
16 dBm, which is in good agreement with
measured values.
The other access point was only able
to show 11 dBm on the screen of the
IT-24. This value is too far from 17 dBm,
an output power according to the
manufacturer’s specifications.